
Titolare di media e editore

Titolare di media e editore: Zfx GmbH
Direttore: Lukas Breitenberger, Indraneel Kanaglekar, Txomin Sanchez

Tribunale competente: München
Numero di registrazione: HRB NR 174135
Partita IVA: DE-260317478

Indirizzo: Kopernikusstraße 15, 85221 Dachau, Germany
Telefono: +49 (0) 8131 / 33 244 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 8131 / 33 244 - 10

Responsabilità redazionale: Lukas Breitenberger

Web design, concezione e programmazione

Kapitel4 GmbH
Millennium Park 20, 6890 Lustenau, Austria
Phone: +43 5577 20 543

Note legali / Disclaimer

Il sito Internet di Zfx GmbH contiene informazioni rilevanti ed attuali. Tuttavia non ci assumiamo responsabilità riguardo alla completezza, alla correttezza e all'attualità dei contenuti. Questo riguarda anche i contenuti di siti web esterni collegati da link. Nonostante un controllo accurato dei contenuti, non ci assumiamo responsabilità per i contenuti dei link esterni. Il contenuto dei siti collegati da link è di esclusiva responsabilità dei relativi gestori. Il layout e tutti i i contenuti e i file di questo sito web sono soggetti al diritto d'autore. Non è consentito copiare o riprodurre i contenuti, neanche parziali.

Exclusion of liability

All information on our website is created with the biggest care. However, the Zfx GmbH corporation takes over no guarantee for the completeness or usability for special intended purposes. All statements on this pages serve only for information and are not obligingly. They stand under the reservation of change at any time. A liability of the completeness, correctness and topicality of the statements is excluded.

Indications to the data security

Your data are stored taking into account the valid data security rules by us and are processed for the purposes named on this pages by us. We use your personal data in general to answer your inquiry, to treat your order or to give you access to special information or offers.

Zfx GmbH corporation meets precautionary measures to guarantee the safety of your personal data. Your data are protected conscientiously against loss, devastation, falsification, manipulation and unauthorized access or unauthorized use.

Zfx GmbH corporation protects the privacy of your data and will not sell, rent or make your data available to any third party.

Internet links

The web pages from this website also contain continuing links to websites of other companies and organisations. Zfx GmbH corporation is not responsible for the external contents which are attainable via such links. If we state or get informed that a linked offer contains illegal content, this link will be removed from our page.

Conditions of utilization

All contents of the are protected by copyright. By multiplication of the contents is to be pointed the copyrights and vested titles of the Zfx GmbH corporation strictly. The contents may not be changed and be used without written approval of Zfx GmbH corporation on other Internet sides or computers. An offence against these regulations /determinations obliges to the immediate destruction of all printed or downloaded contents. We reserve ourselves the assertion of other claims for compensation.

Download of files

Zfx GmbH corporation provides downloadable files for service and support purposes. These downloads take place on own danger. Zfx GmbH corporation is not responsible for losses which take place from the installation or the use of software from the download area, as far as this is allowed legally. In spite of current viruses test a liability of losses and impairments is expelled by computer viruses within the framework of the legal regulations.

© 2024 Zfx GmbH corporation - All rights reserved.

in contatto!

Zfx GmbH
Kopernikusstraße 15
85221 Dachau, Deutschland
+49 (0) 8131 / 33 244 - 0


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